8 Lovely Sandra Bullock Quotes About Motherhood vs

On Wednesday, it was announced in a People cover story that Sandra Bullock had adopted another child, a little girl by the name of Laila. I was very excited by the news because I have been a Sandra Bullock fan for many, many years, and I love seeing pH๏τos of her glowing with her son, Louis, who she adopted in 2010. I have no doubt that the actress will continue to be a supportive and amazing mother to her growing brood, and I’ve gathered some beautiful quotes proving that Bullock really loves motherhood and family.

In the People interview, the Oscar-winner shared beautiful words about her new family:

When I look at Laila, there’s no doubt in my mind that she was supposed to be here… My family is blended and diverse, nutty, and loving and understanding. That’s a family.

If you ask me, she has this whole parenting and family thing right on the money. Bullock is a woman and mother who is determined to teach her children love and acceptance, and I can’t think of anything more important for Louis and Laila. In this spirit, I wanted to find some of the best Sandra Bullock quotes on motherhood that prove her children are very lucky to have their momma on their side.

1. When She Said What Makes Her Beautiful

When Bullock was named People ‘s Most Beautiful Woman in April of this year, she had a simple answer to what makes her the most beautiful: “What is beautiful is the honor of being Louis’ mother.” BRB, crying forever.

2. When She Said She Wants To Always Teach Them

When the actress had a conversation with BET, she was asked about how she talks to her black son about racism. She shared,

I think if you don’t start the conversation early on, you’re doing them a disservice. Once he leaves that house and I’m not with him, it’s his life and how he approaches it is his decision. But I want to know that I did the best I could as his mom to educate him on the ugliness in the world, and also the beauty.

3. When Her Son Healed Her Worry

Bullock told People that she used to worry so much as younger woman, but now her focus is on her children. She said, “Am I the mother my son deserves? And am I living my authentic life, am I good enough, working hard enough, am I able to keep my son safe? Worrying used to be very paralyzing for me, and now I can talk myself off the ledge. Louis is the one who snapped me out of it.”

4. When She Only Prepared With Love

She spoke to the ladies of The View on how the process of adoption changed her and scared her, and in the end, this advice is ringing true again with her adoption of Laila. She shared, “I wasn’t expecting him… I had nothing to prepare and then you realize you need very little other than knowledge, patience and a whole lot of love.”

5. When She Was Wildly Protective Of Her Family

If the pressures of her job ever started to affect her babies, she would have no problem is leaving it behind. She told Vogue , “If I see whatever I’m doing affecting him negatively, I will pack up and move to Alaska… I’m having such an amazing time. Whatever comes our way, we handle as a family. It’s not just me anymore.”

6. When She Was The Most Doting Mom

Kevin Winter/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

At a premiere for Minions, Bullock confessed that she took on the role for her son. She said,

I wanted to make something my son could see and watch and enjoy, even though he doesn’t know what I do and he doesn’t know it’s me. I can sit in the theater and watch him… Nothing makes me happier than hearing that boy laugh, (by) physical humor and animation so hopefully I’ll be able to do that.

7. When The Relationship With Her Son Was Most Beautiful

She also shared this beautiful anecdote of her relationship with Louis in her People Most Beautiful cover story: “Louis asks me some serious questions, and I’m really honest with him on a level he can handle. It’s a beautiful thing… I want him to be a good man who is good to women and is really in touch with how he feels.”

8. When She Taught Her Child To Dance

Bullock spoke at the commencement ceremony for a high school in New Orleans (Louis’ birth city) and gave them an adorable insight on how she prepares her son for the day. She said,

The third thing we work on at home in the mornings is that we turn on the music really, really loud before we leave the house and the rule is you have to dance a little bit before you step out in the world because it changes the way you walk. It changes the way you walk out in the world.

With a woman like Sandra Bullock as your mom, Louis and Laila are already a lucky bunch. Congrats to this beautiful family!


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